Transforming the core and face of construction…

Wellbeing Project

Start Date: August 2023

Duration: 9 Weeks

Acciona Wellbeing Space

Description of Works:

We have now successfully completed the wellbeing space for our client Acciona who are Principal Contractor on the North London Heat and Power Project.

The design is bespoke to the space and the requirements of our client. 

The proposal focuses on meeting the following key objectives: 

🌿 A space that would be energising for employees to relax on their breaks.

🌿 Providing an access route from the canteen to the wellbeing space by redressing a manhole cover and frame flush with surrounding paving.

🌿 The installation of a section of painted timber hoarding to enhance the aesthetics of the space.

🌿 The wellbeing space has been carefully designed with 18 bespoke benches to create privacy from the nearby car park.

🌿 The tailored seating has finishing’s with a grey shower proof cushioning to provide support and comfort. (not on display currently).

🌿 The seating has been designed with shrubs planted at the back of the seats to increase morale and create a spatial divide.

🌿 Team Dania planted 18 trees and 100 shrubsto reduce mental, stress, anxiety, and improve moods. The greenery make us feel calm and happy therefore we have introduced evergreens to the space. (8 of the trees were planted at rear of the car park).

🌿 We also installed bird feeders on the trees to encourage local birds into the wellbeing space and also provide an invaluable food source, particularly during times of year when resources might be scarce.

🌿 The layout was designed to promote social interaction amongst users.

🌿 The planters are wheeled to allow easy reconfiguration of the space.

🌿 We also provided a heavy duty, made in Italy football table, which allows people to play together and create some healthy competition.

🌿 The wellbeing space is inclusive and accessible to all users.